Our Story

Vegan baker is prepping a cookie mix.

I had a massive craving for an ooey, gooey, comforting cookie once the pandemic hit. With vegan cookies on the market labeled more of a health food and not necessarily a satisfying treat, it was close to impossible to get. Newly vegan at the time, I had no experience in baking without dairy & eggs, so I poured through online recipes. Unfortunately, each tended to produce failed “hockey puck” cookies.


That’s when I became obsessed with an idea that helped launch the ride of my life: creating an indulgent plant-based cookie. This would serve both my sweet-tooth obsession and mission of living a more sustainable, kinder life.

Turns out I took this challenge a little too seriously because I ended up launching an Orlando-based cookie delivery service, POP! Vegan Baking soon after nailing the perfect recipe.

 a vegan cookie packaged ready to be delivered to "Writer's Block Bookstore" in Orlando, FL.

The next phase of my life was a cookie haze! The local community and social media helped my business immensely, especially a Disney Castmember Facebook page called “Ear for Each Other” where working employees help support their furloughed co-workers’ “side hustle” projects (I was laid-off from the company December 2020). FOX News 35 broadcasted an interview with me, Orlando Sentinel ran an article in their paper, and three local cafés contacted me for wholesale supplying. At the 6 month mark, I sold just about 4,000 cookies!

Although I was having the time of my life, the feedback from my customers, “…how are these delicious things vegan? I would never be able to make these…” helped me realize my new mission: share my baking techniques so that anyone could bake them. It’s all about getting people to fall in love with baking again and not just an occasional treat, right?

Immediately, an all-in-one baking mix came to mind. Although vegan mixes are already on the market, my idea to include shelf-stable and pre-measured ingredients right in the box is revolutionary. No need to track down egg or dairy replacements, and it’s absolutely fool-proof!

Why stop at plant-based ingredients though? I’m so excited to help stop single-use plastics from harming our environment and animal friends through plant-based, compostable packaging. There are many sustainable vendors doing their thing to bring responsibly-sourced products and ingredients to all of us, so it’s my pleasure to support them in this baking mix!

Can flour, chocolate & a pinch of purpose contribute to a cleaner & kinder planet? Let's find out.

Happy baking!

Kelly-Anne Salazar, Founder